surya namaskar for weight loss

Surya Namaskar, Weight Loss and the Name: Differing the fact from fiction

In the quest for weight loss, a lot of people choose to practice Surya Namaskar, which is also referred to by the name of Sun Salutation. 

The yoga posture is gaining popularity with Bollywood actors like Shilpa Shubha Kundra as well as Kareena Kapoor, who say that it aids in staying healthy. However, does it actually guarantee weight loss? Then, we’ll disentangle the fact from the fiction and examine the advantages from Surya Namaskar.

What is Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 yoga asanas or poses, done in a series. Each posture is performed in sync with a particular breathing pattern. The asanas are intended to warm and stretch the entire body, which includes joints, muscles along with internal organs. Surya Namaskar is usually performed in the middle of a yoga session as a warm-up routine.

Does Surya Namaskar cause weight loss?

The short answer is that Surya Namaskar can aid in weight loss. If performed frequently, Surya Namaskar can be able to burn around 39.90 calories for each round. If you do twelve rounds in Surya Namaskar, you could generate approximately 416 calories.

Additionally, each round requires less than 3 1/2 to 4 minutes, making it an efficient way to work out. But, it’s important to keep in mind that weight loss isn’t the only benefit you can get from Surya Namaskar.

What are other benefits from Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar offers a wide variety of benefits for general well-being and health. Here are a few advantages:

  1. Improves overall fitness Surya Namaskar is a total body workout that targets all major muscle groups, which include legs, arms as well as the back and abdominal. It also increases flexibility and balance as well as coordination.
  2. Reduces belly fat Surya Namaskar aids in toning and tone the abdominal muscles, which could decrease belly fat.
  3. Increases your cardiovascular fitness: Surya Namaskar increases heart rate and blood circulation which can help improve cardiovascular health.
  4. Improves immunity Surya Namaskar stimulates the lymphatic system, which can help rid the body of toxins and improve the immune system.
  5. Reduces anxiety and stress: Surya Namaskar is a tranquil effect on the body and mind and can help reduce anxiety and stress.
  6. Controls menstrual cycle Surya Namaskar is ideal for women because it aids in the regulation of menstrual cycles and ease the pain of menstrual cramps.
  7. Improves the health of your skin: Surya Namaskar improves blood circulation, which results in radiant skin. It also decreases freckles and wrinkles.
  8. Enhances thyroid function Surya Namaskar is a stimulant for the thyroid gland. This can enhance its functioning and decrease the chance of developing thyroid diseases.

Who can play Surya Namaskar?

Anyone can practice Surya Namaskar, regardless of age or gender or fitness level. It is important to start slowly, and slowly increase intensity as well as duration for the exercise. If you suffer from any injuries or medical conditions you’ve suffered, talk to your doctor prior to beginning Surya Namaskar.

How do I do Surya Namaskar?

This is a step-by-step procedure for the art of Surya Namaskar:

  1. Place yourself in the middle of your mat, with your feet in a row and hands in a prayer position.
  2. Inhale, and then raise your arms above you, then arch your back a little.
  3. Inhale, and extend your hips in a forward bend and keep your spine straight.

Respiratory and Mental Benefits of Surya Namaskar, and its Spiritual Significance.

Furthermore, Surya Namaskar is known to have an impact upon the respiratory system. It assists in expanding the lungs, which in turn increases our intake of oxygen as well as improving our lung capacity. 

This is especially beneficial to sufferers of allergies or respiratory issues. It’s also believed to provide a soothing effect to the mind and help in reducing anxiety and stress.

Alongside the mental and physical advantages, Surya Namaskar has a spiritual meaning. It is believed as a method to pay homage to the sun, who is revered as a god in a variety of religions. 

Based on Hindu mythology sun worshippers believe it to be the basis of everything that exists on earth. doing Surya Namaskar is a method to show gratitude to the life-giving force.

Surya Namaskar is a popular and effective method for weight loss, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a standalone solution.

But it is important to remember that even though Surya Namaskar may be effective in helping in weight reduction, it shouldn’t be considered the only method for weight loss. 

A healthy diet as well as other physical activities should be integrated into the routine of a person to get the best outcomes. In addition, it is essential to perform Surya Namaskar properly and with the correct guidance to reduce any injury risk.

In the end Surya Namaskar can be described as an extremely popular and effective method to lose weight in addition to improving overall wellbeing. 

Its multiple physical, mental as well as spiritual advantages make it an whole-body exercise method that can benefit people from all age groups and fitness levels. But, it shouldn’t be considered to be the only method for weight loss, and must be done correctly and under the right direction.

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