How many puranas are there

The lesser-known but equally important 18 Mahapuranas written by Maharishi Ved Vyas

In the event that Maharishi Ved Vyas is mentioned The Mahabharata is the first thing that comes to mind, But Did you know he composed 18 Puranas that are equally important? Stories of religious significance that we read nowadays were primarily told within these Puranas. 

While many consider that Shiva Purana is the only Mahapurana, Ved Vyas has written 18 Mahapuranas and 18 Upapuranas. Together the 18 Mahapuranas include 409,500 lines, which includes being the Skandapurana being the most extensive as well as the Markandeya Purana the tiniest.

It is believed that the Brahmapurana was the very first Purana with 10,000 words, explaining the origins of creation including the sun and moon kingdoms, Shri Ram and Shri Krishna as well as other matters. Another Purana can be described as one of the Padma Purana, with 55,000 verses that focus on the personality of Shri Ram and Shri Krishna, Lord Vishnu and other pilgrimages. 

A third Purana includes known as the Vishnu Purana with 23,000 verses detailing the beginning of the universe as well as including the Varna and Ashram system, kings such as Dhruv and Prahlad and India’s description and much more. The fourth oldest is Shivamahapurana that has 24,000 verses that describe Lord Shiva’s character.

Overview of the remaining Puranas written by Maharishi Ved Vyas.

The Bhagavata Purana is also referred to in the form of Devi Bhagwat or Shrimad Bhagwat Purana is the fiveth Purana that has 18,000 lines, mostly focussed upon the immanent Parabrahma version that is Shri Krishna. 

Sixth Purana, Narad Purana, contains 25,000 verses, and includes all 18 Mahapuranas, which are in two parts. In the Markandeya Purana is the smallest with 9000 verses, and contains the tale of Durga Saptshati as well as Harishchandra.

It is believed that the Agnipurana is the 8th Purana comprising 15,400 lines and is a strong advocate of worshipping Surya The Bhavishya Purana which is the ninth contains 14,500 verses. It is a source of controversy due to the inclusion of details about Islam as well as Christianity as it was later included in diluted versions. 

The Brahmavaivarta Purana Tenth Purana, which is the tenth, contains 18,000 words and contains an extensive description of the earth’s creation and the living creatures and the piety associated with Lord Krishna. It is the Linga Purana, the eleventh contains 11,000 verses and gives a description of Yugas along with Lord Shiva’s 24 manifestations. 

The Varaha Purana and the remaining Puranas, including Skanda and Vamana, are significant works that provide insights into Hinduism and its various deities.

In the Varaha Purana, the twelfth and last one to be discussed includes 24,000 words and recounts the tale of Varaha who is an incarnation for Lord Vishnu.

In conclusion, although the Mahabharata is a major work by Maharishi Vyas (who also wrote numerous other important works. The Puranas provide valuable information about religion and spirituality, as well as history and much more, making them an integral element of Indian tradition and culture.

Thirteenth Purana is known as the Skanda Purana, which is one of the biggest Mahapuranas that contains 81,000 lines. It is dedicated in honor of Lord Kartikeya or Skanda who is who is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. 

It explains the splendor that is the Lord Shiva and his many forms, as well as the importance of holy spots such as Kashi, Haridwar, and Prayag. 14. Purana is known as the Vamana Purana that contains 10,000 lines. It is centered around the Vamana representation of Lord Vishnu who incarnated as the form of a dwarf Brahmin to rescue the three realms from the demon King Bali.

Exploring the 18 Puranas: From Varaha Purana to Brahma Vaivarta Purana

The fifteenth Purana is known as the Kurma Purana, which has 17,000 lines. It recounts the tale about how the Kurma representation of Lord Vishnu in which he assumed an animal form, to be able to support the weight of universe in the churning of the ocean.

It is the 16th Purana is known as the Matsya Purana, which has 14,000 verses. It relates how Lord Vishnu who took the form of a fish in order to protect the Vedas from destruction by the flood.

The 17th Purana, also known as the Garuda Purana. It contains 19,000 lines. It’s named in honor of Garuda which is Garuda, the car of Lord Vishnu. It’s primarily the dialogue that takes place between Garuda and Lord Vishnu and Garuda and Garuda, in which they debate the various aspects of the afterlife and the law of Karma. 

The 18th and last Purana is known as the Brahma Vaivarta Purana with 18,000 lines. It explains that the beginning of time by Lord Brahma and also as the many characters of Lord Vishnu as well as the most well-known ones such as Rama as well as Krishna.

In conclusion, though Maharishi Ved Vyas is most popular due to his epic piece that is the Mahabharata and the Mahabharata, he also wrote the 18 Mahapuranas as well as a variety of other significant texts. 

These Puranas contain a variety of subjects, ranging starting with the origins of the universe all the way to Karma’s laws as well as the life after death. They’re a valuable source of wisdom and knowledge for those who are interested to Hindu religion and mythology.

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