How Many Evil Dead Movies are There? A Comprehensive Guide

‍Evil Dead, the iconic horror franchise, has captivated audiences for decades with its unique blend of chilling scares and dark comedy. From its humble beginnings in 1981 to the latest installment released in 2023, the Evil Dead series has become a cult classic. But with so many films and spin-offs, you may be wondering just how many Evil Dead movies are there? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the franchise’s history, exploring each film and its significance within the Evil Dead universe.

The Evil Dead (1981)

The Evil Dead Poster

The Evil Dead, directed by Sam Raimi, is the film that started it all. Made on a shoestring budget, this 1981 horror masterpiece introduced audiences to the terrifying world of the Necronomicon and the relentless Deadites. The story follows a group of college students who venture into a remote cabin in the woods, unknowingly awakening an ancient evil. Led by the charismatic Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams, the film is a relentless onslaught of gore and terror. Despite its low budget, The Evil Dead garnered critical acclaim and developed a loyal fanbase, setting the stage for the franchise’s future.

Evil Dead II (1987)

Evil Dead II Poster

Evil Dead II, often considered a requel (a combination of a sequel and a reboot), picks up where the first film left off. Sam Raimi, the mastermind behind the series, took the opportunity to further explore the absurdity and dark humor that would come to define the franchise. In this film, Ash Williams finds himself once again battling the relentless Deadites in the same cabin. With a larger budget and more creative freedom, Raimi unleashed his wild imagination, delivering a rollercoaster ride of horror and comedy. Evil Dead II solidified the series’ unique tone and became a fan favorite.

Army of Darkness (1993)

Army of Darkness Poster

Army of Darkness, the third installment in the Evil Dead series, takes a bold departure from its predecessors. In this film, Ash Williams is transported to the medieval era, where he must face off against an army of Deadites and find a way back to his own time. With its slapstick humor and over-the-top action sequences, Army of Darkness embraces a more lighthearted and adventurous approach. The film showcases Raimi’s knack for blending horror, comedy, and fantasy elements, creating a truly unique experience within the Evil Dead universe.

Evil Dead (2013)

Evil Dead (2013) Poster

In 2013, Evil Dead received a reboot directed by Fede Álvarez. This film reintroduced the franchise to a new generation of horror enthusiasts while paying homage to the original. Evil Dead (2013) follows a group of friends who discover the Book of the Dead in a secluded cabin, unleashing a malevolent force upon themselves. With a darker and more intense tone, Álvarez’s take on Evil Dead brought the franchise into the modern era. While it stands as a separate entity from the original trilogy, it still captures the essence of the series, delivering plenty of gore and terrifying moments.

Evil Dead Rise (2023)

Evil Dead Rise Poster

The most recent addition to the Evil Dead universe is Evil Dead Rise, directed by Lee Cronin. Released in 2023, this film takes a fresh approach by setting the story in an urban environment. Evil Dead Rise follows two sisters, Beth and Ellie, as they confront a demonic presence in their city apartment building. With a new cast and a different setting, Cronin’s vision revitalizes the franchise, offering a unique perspective while staying true to the core elements that fans love. Evil Dead Rise continues the tradition of gory scares and dark humor that defines the Evil Dead series.

The Evil Dead Universe Expands Beyond Films

While the Evil Dead films form the core of the franchise, the Evil Dead universe has expanded beyond the silver screen. Fans can immerse themselves in a variety of media that further explore the world of the Deadites and Ash Williams:

Evil Dead Games

Evil Dead Video Games

The Evil Dead franchise has spawned several video games, allowing players to step into the shoes of Ash Williams and battle the forces of darkness. From the classic 8-bit Evil Dead game to more recent releases, such as Evil Dead: The Game, fans can experience the thrill of fighting Deadites firsthand.

Ash vs. Evil Dead TV Series

Ash vs. Evil Dead Poster

Ash vs. Evil Dead is a spin-off TV series that serves as a direct continuation of the original trilogy. Starring Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams, the show follows his ongoing battles against the Deadites. With its blend of horror, comedy, and over-the-top action, Ash vs. Evil Dead captures the spirit of the films and offers fans an extended journey with their beloved protagonist.

Evil Dead Comics and Merchandise

Evil Dead Comics

The Evil Dead franchise has also expanded into the world of comics, with various series exploring new adventures for Ash Williams and the Deadites. Additionally, fans can find an array of Evil Dead merchandise, including action figures, clothing, and collectibles, allowing them to showcase their love for the series.


In conclusion, the Evil Dead franchise has left an indelible mark on the horror genre. From its humble beginnings in 1981 to the latest installment in 2023, the Evil Dead movies have continued to captivate audiences with their unique blend of terror and comedy. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the series, exploring the Evil Dead universe is a thrilling and blood-soaked journey. So, grab your chainsaw, load your boomstick, and prepare for a wild ride through the twisted world of the Deadites.

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